The Houseboat Life

We just spent the most incredible 5 days on a

houseboat exploring Lake Powell

, which borders Arizona & Utah, with the family. The sweeping desert of red rocks and deep green water made for amazing views everywhere we looked. We rented the houseboat from the Lake Powell Resorts and Marina and started our journey from the Glen Jackson dam.

We loaded up our boat with all the essentials, and I was amazed by how spacious and equipped the boat was. We had a full kitchen and outside grill, and my culinary loving husband planned out all the meals for us. He’s an amazing cook and totally spoils me ... we towed a 19’ speedboat begins us, which I would definitely recommend as an essential for this trip - We would park the houseboat at a new beach each day and then needed the speedboat for exploring the little pockets of the lake.

Our days were spent sightseeing from the top of the boat, enjoying sweeping sunsets with vodka cocktails in hand, and playing on the beaches with the kiddos. All of the little inlets we explored by speedboat had little caves in the rocks, and multicolored streaks across the rocks showing how the water had carved out all of the pockets of the lake over the years.

The only real hike we did on this trip was to Rainbow Bridge, which is one of the

7 natural wonders of the world

. The only way to get to the trail was by boat, and then it was an extremely easy hike up to see the bridge carved out of the rocks.

The lake was refreshing and cool during the hot August days we were there - our houseboat came with a slide off of the top which the guys took full advantage of. The kiddos splashed around a little bit but spent most of their time building sandcastles on the beach. It was the perfect relaxing family vacation!

Have you been on a houseboat? I would love to hear your experience.
